Monitoring Our Performance
As members, we count upon our leadership to provide the programs, services, guidance and support we need to be as successful as possible within our communities and clubs.
This is particularly true at the District and Zone levels, as these are often the levels of leadership which are most regularly in touch with members on a monthly, weekly, or (at times) daily basis.
Likewise, as members we put dues forward each year to give our leaders funding to support the development, implementation and revision of these programs and services. While there is certainly a general appreciation that individuals taking on leadership roles will do their best to support clubs and members, trust is not enough…and we need to be very clear and specific on where we are focusing our energy, how our efforts are progressing and what the results are.
Only through this type of approach will we be able to most efficiently and effectively utilize our leaders to support our clubs and members. At Fall Leadership 2015, the District 7 Executive provided an overview of the key initiatives being undertaken to support clubs and our membership this year. As we near the midway point of the year, we will be providing a 2nd Quarter update regarding our performance in these areas. The intent is not to show that we are ahead of schedule on these initiatives, nor that all are making huge waves and impacts…rather…it’s to provide specific information on where things stand with each of these areas, and to demonstrate to the District that we are committed to delivering on key initiatives and services which we hope will move us forward.
By measuring the results of these items, we will be able to better determine how effective (or ineffective) our efforts are, and modify as needed. Moving forward, the intent is to provide these updates on a quarterly basis, so every three months, you can count on a series of reports which shows you: 1.) What your District leadership team is doing; 2.) How the key initiatives are progressing and; 3.) What types of results we are getting.
This should hopefully help support informed discussions at FLC (Q1), Mid Term (Q2), Spring Zones (Q3) and District (Q4) respectively.
Stay tuned! With District Mid Term happening this upcoming weekend, Q2 results will be posted shortly.