What’s Your Communications Objective?
A major mistake many organizations make when communicating, is not knowing what they want to achieve when they communicate to their local community. A good communication objective will help focus the message so it is understand by your target audience.
A few common communications objectives include:
▸ Inform – Brand awareness. You will be amazed at how many people have never heard of Kin Canada or the work you do in your community
▸ Persuade – Join Kin, participate in one of your events. Do you realize how many volunteer organization are in your community? Why should they join Kin? Sell the benefit of joining Kin
▸ Remind – You need to constantly remind people that Kin as a volunteer experience is an option. People may not be ready to join Kin today, but tomorrow may be a different story.
Don Woolridge has 30 years experience of teaching marketing at a community college. He has ben involved in a number of volunteer organizations. If you have any comments or suggestion please contact him at donwoolridge@gmail.com