Resolutions Summary – District Convention 2016
Resolutions Summary – District Convention
Florenceville, NB, June 11, 2016
District Resolution #1
District By-Laws (Housekeeping – Modernizing Language)
Whereas, over the years, certain elements of terminology within the District By-Laws have become outdated,
And whereas, over the years, various amendments to the District By-Laws have resulted in remaining errors or redundant language,
Therefore be it resolved that the by-laws be updated to reflect our current language and practice within District 7 – Kin Canada Atlantic, and to a broader extent, Kin Canada.
Intent: To modernize the language in our by-laws and to remove any redundant language or errors.
Proposed Wording:
Please refer to the “Proposed Housekeeping Changes” document included in this package to view all of the proposed changes.
Respectfully submitted:
District Coordinator Mario LeBlanc on behalf of the 2015-16 District Executive Council
Moved by: DG Brian Leslie, Accredited Delegate – Green Bay Kinsmen Club
Seconded by: Carol Cooper, Accredited Delegate – Halifax Kin Club
Motion as presented carried
District Resolution #2
District By-Laws (Housekeeping – Adjusting Layout)
Whereas, members of District 7 have indicated that some elements of our District By-Laws are currently not easy to follow,
Therefore be it resolved that the by-laws be realigned around a streamlined table of contents.
Intent: To ensure members are able to quickly find items they are looking for.
Proposed Wording:
Please refer to the “Proposed Table of Contents” document included in this package, which highlights the proposed Articles within the new table of contents.
Respectfully submitted:
District Coordinator Mario LeBlanc on behalf of the 2015-16 District Executive Council
Moved by: DG Brian Leslie, Accredited Delegate – Green Bay Kinsmen Club
Seconded by: Wanda Reeves, Accredited Delegate – Mount Pearl Kinette Club
Motion as presented carried
Resolution #3
Advanced Draft of District Budget to Members
Whereas, member input into District planning and operations is an important element of feedback,
and whereas, the District budget for the subsequent year is to be passed by a vote of the members at District Convention,
and whereas, the past practice of the District has been to present the draft district budget at District Convention,
Therefore be it resolved that a new section be introduced to Regulation 10, including language requiring a draft of the District budget be distributed to clubs in advance of District convention.
Intent: To ensure a draft of the District budget is distributed to clubs in advance of District Convention, affording an opportunity for clubs to review and discuss at regular club meeting. This will also ensure that the accredited delegate from this club is well informed in advance of speaking to and/or voting on this motion.
Proposed Wording:
A draft of the District budget shall be distributed to clubs for their review, no later than 15 days prior to the start of District Convention.
Respectfully submitted:
District Coordinator Mario LeBlanc on behalf of the 2015-16 District Executive Council
Moved by: DG Brian Leslie, Accredited Delegate – Green Bay Kinsmen Club
Seconded by: Tanya Wheeler, Accredited Delegate – Florenceville Kin Club
Amendment from the floor #1:
A draft of the District budget shall be distributed to clubs for their review, no later than 15 30 days prior to the start of District Convention.
Moved by: Maggie Lalande, Accredited Delegate – New Glasgow Kinette Club
Seconded by: Fernando Alfonso, Accredited Delegate – Bible Hill Kinsmen Club
Amendment # 1 defeated
Amendment from the floor #2
A draft of the District budget shall be distributed to clubs members for their review, no later than 15 days prior to the start of District Convention.
Moved by: Don Woolridge, Accredited Delegate – Corner Brook Kinsmen Club
Seconded by: VG Terry Janes, Accredited Delegate – St. John’s Kinsmen Club of St. John’s
Amendment # 2 defeated
Motion as presented carried
Resolution # 4
Required information for Bids at Zone or District Events
Whereas, the current by-laws do not specify the type of information that must be provided by a club bidding to host a Zone or District Conference,
and whereas, it may be difficult for delegates to make an informed vote in the absence of adequate information,
Therefore be it resolved that a new section be introduced within regulation 1 that shall include language specifying minimum requirements when presenting a bid for a zone or district event.
Intent: To ensure that bids put forward for Zone or District Events include certain mandatory information, such as estimated dates, location and cost. This will ensure delegates have a better understanding of any bids brought forward by clubs.
Proposed Wording:
When putting a bid forward for a Zone or District Conference, the minimum information which shall be included in order for it to be considered an official bid is the following: location, estimated dates, and estimated cost of registration.
Respectfully submitted:
District Coordinator Mario LeBlanc on behalf of the 2015-16 District Executive Council
Moved: DG Brian Leslie, Accredited Delegate – Green Bay Kinsmen Club
Seconded: DG Ernie Hunt, Accredited Delegate – Kentville Kinsmen Club
Motion as presented carried
Resolution # 5
District 7 Special Project Fund
Whereas the current wording does not specify the purpose of this fund,
And whereas the approval process is not defined,
And whereas the “Raise the Flag Promotion” is no longer an appropriate reference,
Therefore, be it resolved that Regulation 9, Section 1 be amended to include additional language to further specify the intent of the fund, along with the approval authority for accessing these funds.
Intent: To provide clarity that this fund is to be used for a “District-wide” service project and that District support is required in order to utilize this fund.
Proposed Wording:
District 7 has a Special Service Fund. The District Treasurer will assess each member $0.50 when the fund becomes less than $1,000.00. The funds will be held in trust together with all interest earned. That the District Executive of the day will pay from the fund the cost of promoting special service projects such as Raise the Flag Promotion.
The purpose of this fund is to provide financial support towards operating expenses associated with a District-wide service project, to be managed at the District level. Approval of the utilization of these funds can only be obtained by receiving the support of a majority of accredited delegates at either a Fall Leadership Conference or District Convention. The District will assess each member $0.50 per capita on an annual basis when the fund becomes less than $1,000.00.
Respectfully submitted:
District Coordinator Mario LeBlanc on behalf of the 2015-16 District Executive Council
Moved: DG Brian Leslie, Accredited Delegate – Green Bay Kinsmen Club
Seconded: DG Patsy Inkpen, Accredited Delegate – Marystown Kinsmen Club
Motion as presented carried
Resolution # 6
District Financials Review
Whereas, District 7 – Kin Canada Atlantic is not required to conduct an annual audit of its financial statements,
And whereas, an annual review of the financial statements would meet the statutory obligations of the District,
And whereas, the current deadline for finalizing the audited financial statement is set as August 31st, which may not provide sufficient time for its preparation,
And whereas, the current wording lacks specificity in relation to key timelines in relation to the review,
And whereas, the current wording refers to an interim report, which is no longer applicable, and
And whereas, the current wording is silent on the posting of the reviewed statement and the requirement for the preparation of a mid-year to date financial statement,
Therefore be it resolved that Regulation 10, Section 1 be amended to include language which properly reflects the obligations and appropriate process for a review of the District’s financial statements.
Intent: To better articulate the requirement for a financial review (as opposed to a true financial audit) as well as ensure that any future reviews are conducted in a well-structured process which is not perceived to present a conflict of interest.
Proposed Wording:
In addition to the audited financial statement which are to be presented at Fall Leadership Conference a full and final summary of receipts and disbursements will be submitted to the Incoming Executive Committee on or before August 31st following the District Convention. The interim report need not be audited, and if not, it will be understood that minor adjustments may appear between that statement and the one submitted to Fall Leadership Conference.
A year-end financial statement of Kin Canada Atlantic shall be completed annually as at the fiscal year ending of June 30th. Given the statement shall be presented at FLC, it should be finalized no later than September 30th of each year to allow for its publication in the FLC booklet.
All required documentation to support the financial review shall be provided to the external accountant by July 31st to ensure the timely preparation of the year end statement. This year end statement shall be completed in review engagement format by a CPA. The CPA shall be a third party which is arm’s length and external to the Kin organization.
In addition to the audited reviewed District financial statements, which are to be presented at Fall Leadership Conference, an internally prepared summary of receipts and disbursements, as at June 30th, will be submitted to the Incoming Executive Committee on or before August 31st following the District Convention.
The approved District budget and the reviewed financial statements will be posted on the District website within 30 days of their adoption at the applicable conventions, in a “read only” format. An internally prepared financial statement dated December 31st is to be prepared and published by the District Executive and be posted on the District website by the end of February each year, in read only format, and also provide the approved district budget comparative.
The financial review shall be conducted by a third party, external to the Kin Canada Association.
Respectfully submitted:
District Coordinator Mario LeBlanc on behalf of the 2015-16 District Executive Council
Moved: DG Brian Leslie, Accredited Delegate – Green Bay Kinsmen Club
Seconded: Palma Champoux – Accredidted Delegate – Bridegwater Kinsmen Club
Motion as presented carried
Resolution # 7
Conference Memento
Whereas, the current wording within the District Bylaws mandates that hosting clubs shall provide commemorative crests or pins as a memento of the meeting,
And whereas, commemorative crests and pins have become less popular among a growing number of members in recent years,
And whereas, mandating commemorative crests and pins be purchased for all meeting attendees can result in a significant expense for hosting clubs,
And whereas, meeting attendees still appreciate receiving a memento while attending a zone or district conference,
Therefore, be it resolved that Regulation 11, Section 1 be amended to broaden the type of member which can be provided.
Intent: To provide flexibility to conference hosts in relation to the type of memento they select for attending members, in the hope of maximizing value of the memento while minimizing unnecessary costs.
Proposed Wording:
All clubs hosting Zone meetings, Fall Leadership Conference, District Convention or Spring Zone shall provide commemorative crests or pins as a memento of the meeting. These crests or pins shall a memento of their meeting, includeing in their design the official emblem of the Kin Association.
Respectfully submitted:
District Coordinator Mario LeBlanc on behalf of the 2015-16 District Executive Council
Moved: DG Brian Leslie, Accredited Delegate – Green Bay Kinsmen Club
Seconded: Mary Bursey, Accredited Delegate – Kin Club of CBS
Motion as presented carried
Resolution # 8
Nomination of Vice Governor
Whereas, interested nominees for the position of Vice Governor can presently express their initial interest on the day of election at District Convention,
And whereas, Kin Canada modified their nomination process for the position of National Vice President which now requires interested nominees to put their name forward more than 30 days in advance of the election (June 30th),
And whereas, clubs in District 7 and their accredited delegates may not completely understand the platform of interested nominees in advance of District Convention,
And whereas, clubs in District 7 may not be afforded an effort to pose questions or engage in dialogue with interested nominees in advance of District Convention,
And whereas, the current process may not afford the accredited delegate with the confidence that they are effectively representing the wishes of their club,
Therefore, be it resolved that a new section be introduced within Regulation 17 which includes language to specify a minimum declaration period for nominations to the position of Vice Governor.
Intent: To ensure all clubs and members have the opportunity to better understand the platform of interested nominees, to pose questions and engage in dialogue to interested nominees, and to properly inform their accredited delegate of the clubs’ recommendation.
Proposed Wording:
Individuals interested in running for the office of Vice Governor, shall formally declare their nomination no later than 30 days prior to the start of District Convention. Only in situations where no nominations have been submitted by this date, would nominations within the 30-day window be entertained.
Respectfully submitted:
District Coordinator Mario LeBlanc on behalf of the 2015-16 District Executive Council
Moved: DG Brian Leslie, Accredited Delegate – Green Bay Kinsmen Club
Seconded: Michelle Harfitt , Accredited Delegate – Witless Bay and Area Kinsmen Club
Motion as presented defeated
Resolution # 9
Kin Canada Public Speaking Contest
Whereas, Kin Canada modified their awards structure a number of years ago, at the National Level, so that there would be one winner of the Founding Members Public Speaking Contest (National Contest), regardless of gender,
And whereas, Kin Canada still pays the travel, accommodations and registration for two individuals from each District to participate in the National Speak-Off,
And whereas, there is no requirement for the District to send their top female and male competitors,
And whereas, District 7 currently has memorial awards for the top Kinsmen and Kinette competitors,
And whereas, the National Public Speak-Off is intended to recognize the top speaker across all Districts,
Therefore, be it resolved that the process to identify District participants at the National contest be modified to select the top two competitors, regardless of gender.
Intent: While this item exists within D7’s District Awards and not the By-Laws, the intent of a change in this area would be to permit the top two competitors in the District Speak-Off to represent District 7, regardless of gender.
Proposed Language:
For the purposes of identifying the two participants for the Founding Members Public Speaking Contest, the top two competitors at the District Speak-Off, regardless of gender, shall represent District 7.
This selection process shall not impact the awarding of the Rupert Kethro Memorial Public Speaking Award and the Carmel Prior Memorial Public Speaking Award for the top Kinsmen and Kinette competitors.
Respectfully submitted:
District Coordinator Mario LeBlanc on behalf of the 2015-16 District Executive Council
Moved: DG Brian Leslie, Accredited Delegate – Green Bay Kinsmen Club
Seconded: DG Vicki Andrews, Accredited Delegate – Kinette Club of Edmundston
Motion as presented defeated
Resolution # 10
Deputy Governor Expenses
Whereas, over the years, the practice for providing Deputy Governor Expenses has evolved,
And whereas, the practice of District 7 in relation to Deputy Governor Expenses does not align with the current language within the District by-laws,
Therefore, be it resolved that the language within the District by-laws be updated to state current practice.
Intent: To provide a more streamlined, transparent and accountable process for allocating funding to cover Deputy Governor Expenses.
Proposed Language:
All the Deputy Governors will receive upon request, up to one-third of their approved budget, but not to exceed $200.00. These funds will be deposited in a Bank and their expenditure shall require two signatures, one of which must be that of the Deputy Governor and that these funds may be replenished on the same basis upon accounting for such previous expenditures to the District Executive.
Deputy Governors shall be entitled to an annual stipend to support their official duties. All Deputy Governors will receive half of their stipend at Fall Leadership Conference, with the balance being provided upon completion of official visits, and receipt of the official visitation forms by the District Treasurer.
Respectfully submitted:
District Coordinator Mario LeBlanc on behalf of the 2015-16 District Executive Council
Moved: DG Brian Leslie, Accredited Delegate – Green Bay Kinsmen Club
Seconded: Wanda Reeves, Accredited Delegate – Mount Pearl Kinette Club
Amendment from the floor:
Deputy Governors shall be entitled to an annual stipend to support their official duties. All Deputy Governors will receive half of their stipend at Fall Leadership Conference, with the balance being provided upon completion of official visits, and receipt of the official visitation forms by the District Treasurer. Deputy Governors shall submit their expenses after their visit to each club, upon which they will be reimbursed.
Moved: DG Al MacQuarrie
Seconded: Scott Hogan, Accredited Delegate – New Glasgow Kinsmen Club
Motion as amended carried
Resolution # 11
Advances to District / FLC Host Clubs
Whereas, over the years, the practice for providing advances to the hosts of District / Fall Leadership Conferences has evolved
And whereas, the practice of District 7 in relation to providing advances for the subject item does not align with the current language within the District by-laws,
Therefore, be it resolved that the language within the District by-laws be updated to state current practice.
Intent: To provide for a more transparent and accountable process with respect to providing advances to host clubs to cover early expenses for District / Fall Leadership Conferences.
Proposed Language:
The host club of a District Convention or Fall Leadership Conference may borrow up to $2,500.00 from the Convention Trust Fund for the purpose of making Pre-Convention purchases. These funds must be requested from The host club must submit a request, along with a copy of the approved operating budget, to the District Treasurer 90 days prior to the opening of such convention. and These funds shall be repaid to the District Treasurer on no later than the last day of said Convention.
Respectfully submitted:
District Coordinator Mario LeBlanc on behalf of the 2015-16 District Executive Council
Moved: DG Brian Leslie, Accredited Delegate – Green Bay Kinsmen Club
Seconded: Mark Thibedeau, Accredited Delegate – Kinsmen Club of Margaree
Motion as presented Carried