Atlantic Tides – Flag Raising for 65th Anniversary

Posted By on May 2, 2017

On the 4th of May we will be celebrating our 65th anniversary in the community. In honour of this, we requested to have our Kin Canada flag flown on the courtesy pole in the Town Square. Thanks to all club members able to attend, as well as Kin Tom King (performing double duty as a member and City Councillor), Tony “Bucket” Walsh (City Councillor) and Paddy and Darcey from 95.9 SunFM. We appreciate all the support over the years and are excited to continue serving the communities greatest need.

Facebook Live Video Courtesy of Darcey McLaughlin, 95.9 SunFM

Kin Tom King’s interview discussing our 65th anniversary from 95.9 SunFM