Atlantic Tides – Party 2020 – Life Membership Celebration
The Kinsmen Club of the Miramichi finished another successful year of volunteer contributions with our closing party, awards and Life Membership ceremony. This past year we raised over $72000 while logging over 1550 volunteer hours!
During the awards ceremony this year the club recognized some truly amazing men who have served their community faithfully, with the Years of Service Awards. Mike McCallum, Brad McCormack and Ian Gerrish were recognized for their 10+ years of service.
Brendan Manderson received the prestigious Ken MacDonald Memorial Kinsmen of the Year Award, which is awarded to Kinsmen who best exemplify the aims of the association as a whole.
Tony Gray received the Kin Louis Gallant Memorial Award which is awarded to the Kinsmen, who like Kin Louis Gallant, best exemplifies the qualities of unselfish service to the community. Tony also won the Rookie of the Year award.
The 2020-21 Club Executive was installed:
President – Lucas Durelle
Vice President – Brendan Manderson
Secretay – Shane Berry
Treasurer – Michael Loggie
Membership Director – Tony Gray
Service Director – Steve Myles
Risk Manager – Gary Carscadden
We closed out the evening with the presentation of our Life Memberships. A Life Membership is the highest honour that can be bestowed to a member of the Kin Association. It represents our core values of “Excellence, Pride, Integrity, Inclusiveness and Compassion” while serving the community’s greatest need. Our three recipients exemplify these characteristics and the club was extremely proud to present Life Member Tim Saunders, Life Member Steve Myles and Life Member Tom King with their Life Membership awards! You are now part of a select group, congratulations to you all!
Thanks to everyone who was able to attend, especially members of the K-40 and the families of the Life Membership recipients. It made the celebration more meaningful and special.
None of this would be possible without the support of our community, so a very special thank you Miramichi!
Closing Party 2020 – Life Membership Celebration