It’s Award Season! – Don’t forget the $50 million for 100 years challenge!

Posted By on May 14, 2021

It’s awards season.

Kin Canada Awards offer a means of recognizing and valuing learning which takes place beyond school or college gates. It is intended to encourage members to make the most of their Kin experience. Members achieve this end by participating in the Kin Canada Awards Program and are encouraged to review relevant aspects of their development, skills and capabilities and use this review as a means of developing their personal potential.

Kin Canada Awards are of interest to those who undertake a wide range of activities which could include leadership, citizenship and voluntary activity in the community. Participation in these kinds of learning environments give members experiences that vary in duration and quality, but all have the potential to support personal development. The structured framework offered by Kin Canada Awards provides members with the opportunity to get the most benefit from the activities they undertake.

To achieve awards, it is beneficial, with support, to set goals, monitor progress on an on-going basis and then review and reflect on the experience.

Kin Canada Awards are aimed at those who:

  • want to add to their personal knowledge
  • want to improve their ability to communicate and work with others
  • want to focus their energies
  • want to make better use of wider learning opportunities

Kin Canada Awards support the personal development of members by providing a supportive structure for development and helping members to find out about their own strengths and weaknesses through feedback.

Being aware of how we behave and appear to others, as self-awareness, is an important first step in personal development. Kin Canada Awards and the Kin experience assist in developing self-awareness and confidence and also the importance and benefits of having a positive attitude.

Check with Governor Al or any member of the District Team if you have questions on any of the awards or would like a copy of the awards reference guide.