2021 Annual General Meeting

Please note the following important information regarding our upcoming 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM). —————————–
Notice of a Meeting of the Members
2021 Kin Canada Virtual Annual General Meeting
August 21, 2021, Call to Order at 2:00 p.m EDT
Presentations and guest speakers will begin at 12:00 p.m. EDT, before the Call to Order.
The Zoom link for the presentations/guest speakers and the AGM is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89633148271
Relevant Annual General Meeting Documents
*Note that National President Terri will be doing an Indigenous Land Acknowledgement as part of opening AGM remarks. More information will be communicated separately about Indigenous Land Acknowledgements.
Previously circulated:
2021-2022 Proposed National Budget Town Hall Recording
The Virtual Town Hall Meeting regarding the 2021-2022 Proposed National Budget was conducted on July 25, 2021.
If you missed it, you can watch the recording of the presentation and the discussion at https://bit.ly/3lqrSyL.
REMINDER: Credentials Registration
If you are an Accredited Delegate or an Alternate Accredited Delegate, please note that you must be credentialed at one of the two drop-in Credentials Registration sessions in order to vote in the National Director Candidate election and at the Virtual AGM.
Credentials will take place virtually on Sunday, August 8 from 2:00 pm EDT to 4:00 pm EDT, and also Monday, August 9, 2021, from 7:00 pm EDT to 9:00 pm EDT via Zoom.
These are drop-in sessions and we will aim to have everyone credentialed swiftly.
NOTE: Credentials will close promptly at the end time of each Credentials Registration session so please ensure that you leave yourself enough time to get into the room and be credentialed before the closing time. If you enter the waiting room after the close time, you will not be credentialed and will not be able to vote at the ND Candidate election or at the Virtual AGM.
The Zoom link for the Sunday, August 8 Credential Registration session is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84578219198.
The Zoom link for the Monday, August 9 Credential Registration session is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88651693095.
REMINDER: Registering for the 2021 Virtual Annual General Meeting
Registration for the 2021 Virtual Annual General Meeting on August 21 is currently open at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KINCANADA2021.
Please register by August 20 at 12:00 p.m. EDT so we know how many Kin plan to attend.
2021 Annual Report
The 2021 Annual Report will be released closer to the Annual General Meeting. We look forward to sharing the reflection on leadership, service, and fellowship from the 2020-2021 Kin year!
If you have general questions, please contact National Secretary Lucie Boissonneault at nbodsecretary@kincanada.ca.
If you have questions about the Proposed National Budget, please submit a ticket through the Kin Help Desk. If you missed the Virtual Town Hall Meeting regarding the 2021-2022 Proposed National Budget, you can watch the recording at your convenience.
All relevant information and communication circulated to date are also available on the 2021 Annual General Meeting page on iKin for the membership’s reference.