Credentials Registration Tonight !

Posted By on August 9, 2021

REMINDER: Credentials Registration TONIGHT! August 9, 2021  7:00 to 9:00 PM EDT

If you are and Accredited Delegate or an Alternative Accredited Delegate for the 2021 Virtual Annual General Meeting and you did not complete Credentials Registration yesterday, please note that tonight is the last opportunity to do so.

This Credentials Registration is for the National Director Election AND the Virtual AGM so make sure you attend tonight if you are not already Credentialed. There will not be another opportunity before the ND Election of the AGM.

You can drop in between 7-9 PM EDT at:

Please ensure you change your screen name to D#, Z#, First Name, Last Name
Example: D1, Z2, John Smith

The National Board aims to have everyone Credentialed swiftly.

See you tonight!