FLC 2021 Official Call
I am pleased to announce that the Sackville Kinsmen and Kinettes will be hosting FLC 2021 – “Service and Fun in ’21” from 22 – 24 Oct 2021.
We are hopeful, that with many of the provinces moving forward with their re-opening plans, we will be able to meet face to face at a good ol’ FLC that we are so accustomed and used to.
Attached is the official call, registration form, accredited delegate form and FLC Itinerary.
More details will be forthcoming on the theme nights, as the host committee moves forward with their planning, as well as a detailed agenda once PD sessions have been confirmed.
So join us in celebrating District 7’s 85th anniversary!
Bill McFadden
Governor D7
Accredited Delegate Form – FLC 2021