Good Character and Community Good Standing Declaration

Posted By on September 8, 2021

The Good Character and Community Good Standing Declaration is required by all active members as per the Volunteer Screening Policy. The 2021/2022 declaration asks members if there are any situations that happened in the 2020/2021 Kin year that could have impacted their good standing in their club or in their community.

All active members must submit the Good Character and Community Good Standing declaration by November 15, regardless of whether or not they submitted Criminal Record Check or Vulnerable Sector Check results to HQ previously. Only new members who were added to the roster after July 1, 2021 are exempt this year (since they would not have been official members in 2020/2021).

If you have members in your club who are unable or unwilling to complete the declaration prompt through iKin, Melanie Nieson can make a copy of the form available to them. However, please encourage members to use the iKin prompt wherever possible. This is a much quicker option for the member and there is less risk of the form getting lost in the mail or not delivered via email. Using the online prompt instead of the paper form also makes the tracking and reporting process much more efficient than manual data entry for HQ Staff.

Clubs who have members who have not done the declaration by the deadline could be placed Not in Good Standing. The Not in Good Standing (NGS) status with Kin Canada affects the club, not the individual.