FLC – Virtual
District 7,
Last night (Sun 3 Oct), I met with the FLC 2021 team to discuss FLC planning and the way ahead. The FLC Committee and I are extremely disappointed to announce that we have decided to cancel the face-to-face FLC in Sackville and move to a virtual FLC instead.
This decision was not taken lightly but the safety of our members is our highest priority. The increase of Covid cases in the 4 Atlantic Provinces as phase 4 moves through, the uncertainty of potential restrictions as those numbers potentially increase and the very low registration numbers indicated to the team that our members are just not ready to travel were all contributing factors in the decision.
We were at the point, in the planning stage, where the committee and the District Council had to start making financial commitments. Making the decision at this time ensures that both the host clubs and the District Council remain fiscally responsible and no funds were expended/lost.
For those who have already paid their registration fee, someone from the Host Clubs will be in touch shortly to make arrangements to return your money.
We will move to a virtual FLC, on the afternoon of 23 Oct 2021, in order to conduct the business that is normally handled during FLC. The District Council understands that people are getting tired of virtual meetings so we will keep this to a minimum amount of time. In addition, the council will look at developing short virtual PD events over the next months in order to continue to provide the educational development that our members are used to. Details and the link for the meeting will be distributed in the next week.
I would like to thank the Sackville Kinsmen and Kinettes who invested a significant amount of time planning and preparing for “Service and Fun in 2021”. It is disheartening but hopefully in Jun 2022 this will all be behind us and we will be able to enjoy a great District Convention.
If you club hasn’t submitted their Accredited Delegate form yet please do so that you club will have a say at the virtual meeting. They are due by 10 Oct.
If anybody has any questions please feel free to reach out to me or any member of the District Council. Speaking of District 2022 we are looking for a club to host!
Governor D7