D7 Events

Sackville Christmas Tree Lighting Friday November 25th @ 6pm

Please see attached for details on the Sackville Christmas Tree Lighting Friday November 25th @ 6pm. Being held at Acadia Park, 650 Sackville Drive. Come see some Fellow Kin...

Kinsmen Club of Dartmouth holding their last Brunch of 2016

Mark Your calendars! The Kinsmen Club of Dartmouth will be holding their last Brunch of 2016 on November 27th. They will return in the new year on January 22, 2017. ...

Bridgewater & Area Kinsmen 70th Anniversary Celebration

Fellow Kin, The Bridgewater & Area Kinsmen are celebrating their 70th Anniversary November 19, 2016!! They invite you for a night of celebration and fellowship!! Please see attached for...

Sackville Kinettes Christmas Market

Please see Attached for Sackville Kinettes Christmas Market in support of Bryony House   sackville-kinette-christmas-market-2016

FLC in the CHI 2016 Itinerary

Please see attached for FLC in the CHI 2016 Itinerary flc-itinerary-16  

Accredited Delegate Form- FLC on the Chi 2016

Please see attachment for you club’s accredited delegate, deadline for submission is October 14, 2016. Form must be completed and sent to Membership Director Quinn McCarthy either by email...

Official Call- FLC on the Chi 2016

Please see attached for the Official Call to “FLC on the Chi” October 20-22, 2016   flc-on-the-chi-official-call

District 7 Mid-Term 2016

This weekend, the District Executive Council will be convening for District 7’s 2016 Mid-Term Meeting. During this weekend, the Executive will be reviewing progress to date, discussing current National...

District Curling Event in Riverview, NB

This past weekend, the Riverview Kinsmen played host to 18 curling teams representing various Kinsmen, Kin and K40 Clubs from across New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island....