District 7 Awards

Home of all District 7 Award Details


Welcome to your District 7 Awards web page! We have created this page to provide you with relevant and important Awards information that you can use and share with other Kin Members. Our focus is to educate our Members on the types of Awards you qualify for, details around deadlines, affidavits and more!


Joe Savoie Memorial Kin Quill Award – a certificate shall be presented each year at District Convention to the author(s) of the best editorial submitted for publication in the Atlantic Tides (online edition) Link to Awards Criteria


District 7 Kinette Quill Award – The purpose of this award shall be to encourage Kinettes to write articles of general interest to all Kinettes in District 7. Link to Awards Criteria


Charlottetown Membership Award – A certificate shall be awarded each year at District Convention to the Kinsmen or Kin Club of District 7 showing the greatest net increase in membership as of April 30th of current Kin year. Link to Awards Criteria


Ray Wamboldt and Lorraine Lowerison Attendance Awards – A certificate will be awarded each year at District Convention to the Club having the highest percentage of attendance at Club meetings during the period Sept. 1st to twenty days prior to opening of District Convention (2018-2019 year, deadline is May 25th, 2019) Link to Awards Criteria


Public Relations Awards – Wally Burke Memorial and District 7 Kinettes Public Relations Awards – certificate for each awarded at District Convention. Link to Awards Criteria


Alex Stewart Memorial Kin Education Award – Questions may be asked to any Kin of District 7, with the exception of any District 7 Executive Committee Member. Link to Awards Criteria


Road Runner Award – this award will be presented at each District 7 Fall Leadership Conference to the Kinsmen or Kin Club that has made the most visits to other Clubs in the District. Link to Awards Criteria


District 7 Kinette History Book Award – a certificate shall be awarded each year at District Convention to the Kinette Club in District 7 which submits the best club history in scrap book form, of the events in which the Club has participated in the year immediately preceding District Convention. Link to Awards Criteria


George Gamburg and Kinettes Senior and Junior Bulletin Awards – to be eligible for the Senior Award, a Club shall have a membership of 15 or more, while Clubs with a membership of 14 or less shall qualify for the Junior Award. Link to Awards Criteria


Carmel Prior and Rupert Kethro Memorial Public Speaking Award – contestants must be winners of Zone Speaking Contests help during Spring Zone meetings preceding District Convention. Link to Awards Criteria


Ken MacDonald Memorial District Convention Fellowship Award – purpose of this award is to honour the member of Kin Canada Atlantic who best exemplifies the ideals of fellowship at District Convention. Link to Awards Criteria


District 7 E-Newsletter – to encourage Clubs to use “green” technology to produce effective means of Club communications. Zone winners of the E-Newsletter, as long as they are in District and National good standing, are eligible. Link to Awards Criteria


Dan Bradford District 7 Kin of the Year Award – to recognize one member who embodies volunteerism through their contributions of leadership, inspiration and dedication to District 7. Link to Awards Criteria


Ed White/Kinette/Hal & Elspeth Rogers Service Awards – to be eligible for this Award a Club shall have undertaken or supported a Service Project within the qualifying dates specified in the National Service Award Rules. Link to Awards Criteria


Linda Peckford Memorial Award (Children’s Trust Fund) – All Clubs of District 7 who make a donation to the Children’s Trust Fund qualify for this Award. Link to Awards Criteria


Beth Jordan and Joe Beaton Memorial Service Awards – awarded to the Kinette and Kinsmen/Kin Clubs that contribute the greatest amount of money per member to the two District 7 Service Projects CF & MS. Link to Awards Criteria


John Sears and MS Atlantic Service Awards – John Sears award shall be awarded to the Club in District 7 who contributes the most amount of money per member to MS received by District Treasurer as of May 31st of current Kin Year. Link to Awards Criteria


Kevin Denbok Memorial Service Award – awarded to the Club in District 7 that contributes the greatest amount of monies for CF received by District Treasurer as of May 31st of current Kin Year. Link to Awards Criteria


Zone Service Awards – the Club in each Zone that donates the most service money per capita will receive a banner crest or certificate presented at the Service Banquet during District Convention. Link to Awards Criteria