Zone C

Zone C Deputy Governor
Mark Thibedeau Zone C DG 2024 – 2025
Fellow Kin,
Thank you for letting me represent Zone C as Deputy Governor for the 24/25 Kin year. I am excited to be part of the team under Governor Bill and look forward to working on the goals developed during our DOLP training held in June. I would also ask any member that would like to bring something to my attention to discuss at any level, please do so.
I would also like to take a minute or two tell you a little about myself as I know I have not met everyone throughout the Zone and District. I have been a Kin member for around 10 years now, all in Bible Hill. Like a lot of members, I have held many Club Executive positions from President x2, VP x2, Risk Manager, Bulletin Editor and Past President x2.
I was also on the District Executive in 2016-2017 as Communication Director. This was an excellent experience for me and my development in Kin.
I worked hard to achieve my Maple Leaf Award and my Founder’s Award of Achievement early in my Kin years.
I am active in my club with taking part in most of our club activities and fundraising events. I enjoy the fellowship and the challenge of raising funds for our community. It is very satisfying when we come together and work on a project that benefits as many people as possible! I try my best to attend most FLC’s and District conventions, I feel these meetings are important to have a good understanding of what is going on at a District level and National Level in our organization.
My professional life is a Sales Representative for Saputo Dairy, I have been working with Saputo and Scotsburn Dairy for 25 years and have held many roles within the companies from a merchandiser, to driver, to production, to sales supervisor, to representative and manager. In my current role I cover Cumberland County, Colchester County, Pictou County, Antigonish County, and Guysborough County. My weekly travels take me through these areas quite frequently.
I look forward to another successful Kin Year!!
Mark Thibedeau
Deputy Governor
Zone C